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PEAC - Plant Environmental Adaptation Center

The PEAC (Plant Environmental Adaptation Center) will soon enable precisely controllable and dynamically variable environmental conditions for experiments with plants at HHU. PEAC will enable genetically precisely defined test plant populations and individual plants to be precisely and reproducibly exposed to all conceivable environmental scenarios in 17 highly specialized plant cultivation chambers (phytotrons). The interdisciplinary collaboration between the scientists of the CEPLAS Cluster of Excellence will make it possible for the first time to identify the underlying genes for the environmental adaptation of plants and to understand their functions. This is essential for food security in times of incipient climate change.

Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Simon
Spokesman of the Executive Board +49 211 81-14045
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Universitätsstr. 1 Building: 26.14
Floor/room: 00.071

Dr. Christian Wever
Coordinator +49 211 81-15128
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Universitätsstr.1 Building: 22.07
Floor/room: 00.053